Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Maddi said something at breakfast this morning that had me in giggles. I thought I would share. Now for a little context; we were adding honey to our creamy wheat and out of nowhere she started on this analysis of Pooh Bear from Winnie the Pooh.

First she said, "I don't know why Pooh Bear likes honey so much."

I replied, "Well it is sweet."

I know original, right? I was listening but I didn't take a conversation about Pooh Bear to be overly critical. I was really only thinking of how to get her to keep eating and going through the daily list of things she needed to do so she wouldn't forget something. It takes much more effort to come up with the right questions that don't do the thinking for her. It would be so much easier just to tell her or have the list written out.

She said, " He sure goes to an awful lot of effort for just a smidgen of honey though and I don't understand why he has to eat the whole pot at one time. It would make more sense to save some for later."

I replied, "true, true"

Again, fantasising about her putting one bite in her mouth right after another like an assembly line. I love this girl but my unhealthy relationship with food has been exacerbated with the amount of time we spend doing this task. I figure I could save about 20 hours a week if I didn't do food related tasks like cooking, dishes, food storage, and grocery shopping. UGGGG!

Then like a true philosopher she pulls this one from somewhere.

Maddi said, "Pooh Bear mustn't be a Mormon Bear."

At this comment,I had figurative question marks on my forehead.

She said,"If he was a Mormon Bear he would stock pile his honey for food storage. That way he wouldn't always be looking for it.

Then after a few more spoonfuls of creamy wheat she remarks.

"Rabbit must be the Mormon in this story. He gardens.............. and he stock piles his food."

After I stopped chuckling,I was actually quite impressed at her evaluation and analysis of these characters. I guess all of those reasoning activities are paying off. Her triumphant smile tells me she saw the humor in this conversation too.

So which character are you?


  1. It sounds like Maddi is truly a thinker. And will keep you on your toes. She will also add a little humor in your life. I like to stockpile food and other stuff so I must be the rabbit. You really make us all think. Thanks Maddi. Auntie Carol

  2. Love it!
    That is some good logic!
    Definitely rabbits at this house, even stick pile my chocolate, can't run out of that important stuff.

  3. Ha Ha! I think I'm a Mormon Winnie the Pooh. I stock pile but then I eat it all at once. Kind of a problem :)

  4. Hmmmm, I never thought of quite like that...but I see how she could draw that conclusion & it fits pretty good too. Maddi, you are a remarkable young lady!!!!

    Much Love

    Cousin Amanda J. Prince ;)
