Monday, December 6, 2010

Another Day

We are still in the PICU. It isn't that she needs the intensive care but it is more about the logistics of getting her where she needs to be. They switch staff on Mondays and the past Neuro Trauma Team leader wasn't as concerned about getting a MRI before she moves to the NTU but the new guy today wants that done first. So the MRI has been ordered but can't be done until 4pm. They also don't want to move her until morning because the nights are harder for her. So it could be that we wait until tomorrow.

She looks good today! When I got here she was a little agitated but all of the different teams have come into take a look at her and do their assessments. So she was poked and prodded all morning.

They lowered the bed for me! There are some disadvantages to being short and when you are doing care for someone in a tall bed it is a severe disadvantage. It is nice to be able to sit by her and hug her a bit.

A therapy dog came to visit today. It was fun to interact with a dog. I miss my puppies, not as much as I miss Maddi's laugh and smile but that will come in time!

The nurses at the admitting desk gave me the password for today: yegermiester.

I think it is a brand of whiskey. They figured it was fair game to have me saying a word that makes no sense to me since they have been doing that for the past ten days. Most of them have never read Harry Potter so it was nonsense to them too.

So still we wait. All looks promising and time will tell.


  1. Your positive attitude gives me hope:) I love that they gave you the password! I wonder if they've ever had a family like yours before.

  2. oh a HUG I bet that felt wonderful!!!
    love the password game you've created with the nurses. I bet it makes their job more enjoyable too!
    Keep up the good work Maddi

  3. Beverly and John. My prayers and thoughts are constantly with you and Maddi. I miss her a lot. More than I thought I could miss a kid who comes over and gets crazy silly with Ari. But I do. My mind has a hard time thinking about what you are going through. I just want to be there, see Maddi, and know that all will be well. Your posts as I have said before is a line that I can hold on to until you are all back here in Logan. I look at Maddi's pictures and just see her running around and jumping on the trampoline. I know that day will come again and I hope that our family can share in witnessing her recovery. Hugs and Prayers for you. Let us know if there is ANYTHING you need our family to do.

  4. Hi Beverly. Jägermeister is a type of liqueur called Kräuterlikör (herbal liqueur), made in Germany. Jägermeister’s ingredients include 56 herbs, fruits, roots, and spices including citrus peel, licorice, anise, poppy seeds, saffron, ginger, juniper berries and ginseng. I am told that it was first invented to be a cold medicine in the middle ages, but wikipedia doesn't mention that. I know people who claim it prevents hang overs and use it to kill colds and flues. I think some people will find any excuse to drink alcohol though. Just thought I would clear that up fro anyone else who doesn't know about this stuff, since I find it kind of interesting and an interesting choice for the Nurse's password of the day.

    Anyways, glad to hear Maddi is still making improvements. Hope that the MRI comes back with some good news for you. Continuing to keep you all in my prayers.
