Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jazz Day

Yesterday was a busy day! It is funny how much has to be done while at the hospital. I keep thinking that I will have a moment to get some details taken care of but that never happens.

We had some fun visitors yesterday. A couple of Jazz players and dancers came to spread some Christmas cheer! We had just taken Maddi's braids out to wash her hair when they came in and asked if we would allow them to come visit. I was wishing I had finished with her hair already but we opted for the "crimped" look. I hear we made the Channel 5 news.

We had another meeting today about Maddi's care and things we need to get into place while she recovers. That meeting happened to be at the same time as therapy. We hate to miss therapy. A good day with OT/PT is the equivalent to a good report card. She did some great standing with their help and got up on her hands and knees and used her arms to hold herself up. We are still working on holding her head on her own. She is getting stronger but just isn't there yet. It will come. It take more than one muscle to hold your head up so that makes it a tricky skill.

We also had some good visitors today as well and she did awesome. Unless you understand that at one point just moving Maddi from side to side brought on a storm, you might think that is no big deal. The fact that she is getting out of bed at least 4 times a day and is handling music therapy, speech therapy and PT/OT as well all of my range of motion stretches in a day is amazing! She get tired and needs a lot of rests but she is doing so much more now than she did 7 days ago. We are excited and encouraged with the progress.

Today, when I came through her doorway she immediately recognized me from across the room. That is the first time from a distance I have gotten a response from her. Yeah!

She is moving to shift her position in bed and in the chair. That is great news in terms of pressure points and skin breakdown. The fact that she is aware that she is uncomfortable and that she will use her body to make a change is so encouraging.

So one more day and we will be on day 21 at Primary Children's Hospital. We feel like we have lived three years in those three weeks but we also feel like time is going by so fast. John has yet to get back to work. Everyday there is something new for us to learn and it is important that he learn it too. Next week is what we are thinking for now, just in time for Christmas!


  1. LaRue said she saw you on the news, yeah for visitors! I will call you in the morning in regards to coming up tomorrow! Love you all

  2. You look gorgeous Maddi! Keep up the good work!

  3. I can't wait to show Stratford the pictures of Maddi and the Jazz players! Keep up the good work!
    Suzie Simmons

  4. I'm so happy to hear that she recognized you from across the room! That is huge! she really has come a long way in the 3 weeks, I'm sure it feels like forever, but I think of my back surgery recovery, I couldn't drive for 2 months and look what she'd done in 3 weeks!
    GO MADDI!!!!

  5. When we were there on Sunday and you were out of the room she had her eyes on Ariana. But as soon as you walked in the room and said something she immediately zoned in on you. I thought you had seen that. Maybe it was just in response to you voice, but I think she saw movement and turned her eyes towards you. I thought it was really cool and told people who asked me how she was doing that she did that. I'm glad that it's getting more consistant so you can really count that!! I missed the news last night. Keep up the good work!! We love you guys and miss you!!


  6. Oh Bev- I love this picture of her eyes glued on Darrin Williams- she has good taste!! ;)She looks good. I love reading your updates and letting the Aides know whats going on. I hope that you got the letters and the pictures that the kids in my group did for you. They worked so hard on them and were so excited to you. I hope that you and your family have a great Christmas, and can get that sweet girl home soon. We all love and are praying for your family and Maddi.
